Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by JackB (2022)

Not Free

I chose to write a parody of one of my favorite songs by Municipal Waste, Breathe Grease. Municipal Waste is a Thrash Metal band, my favorite genre of metal tied with Death Metal, so the styles of Thrash Metal heavily influenced the entire process of creating my song. My lyrics were inspired by true events in my first semester of Digital media where I got behind on work, however unlike the lyrics, my mom was not mad at me for being behind. This was because my sister took freestyle before me, and was struggling with staying ahead of assignments when she was at freestyle. It was also because I was still managing my classes well, and staying on top of my assignments. I still felt anxiety, so I felt that the best outlet of my anxiety was to write my parody song about getting behind on work in a goofy non serious manner. Recording the vocals was the most fun of the whole assignment because it was my first time ever recording myself singing, and as a hyperactive person I felt free to use a lot of energy. On top of that I just thought it was really cool that I was doing it for a school assignment! Producing my song once I had vocals was also fun because I felt I had full creative liberty and could make what I wanted. Since I wanted something that sounded like a real metal song, I specifically added delay in a few very prominent sections of my song. This would emulate the vocals on Hit the Lights by Metallica, which prominently use heavy echo on the vocals. I was proud of myself when I listened back to the finished product, and overall, I had a whole lot of fun brainstorming, recording, and producing the song, and would definitely do it again if I get the opportunity.

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